Melbourne’s much-loved Yarra River will benefit from $1 million over 4 years with Federal Government funding to help improve the health of this important waterway.
Providing funding to improve the health of the Yarra was a key Coalition election commitment.
And as Melburnians gather today to ‘Love the Yarra’, I am proud to announce that work will soon be underway.
The Yarra River funding will support installation of a new system of floating litter traps as well as an education initiative promoting the marine life of Port Phillip Bay and practical actions Melbournians can take to prevent stormwater pollution.
Funding for the Yarra is an important part of the National Landcare Programme’s Coastal River Recovery initiative.
It is estimated the project’s new and refurbished litter traps to be commissioned in the coming months will remove the equivalent of 720 large wheelie bins of additional litter from the river each year, compared to the amount of litter currently collected, representing an 18% – 20% improvement.
Melbourne Down Under, headed by marine educator Sheree Maris, is leading the community education initiative, developing a documentary on the marine life of Port Phillip Bay and developing student-led activities to address street and stormwater pollution in litter hotspots.
The people of Victoria care deeply about the Yarra River and Port Phillip Bay and this project will help them identify ways they can contribute to their overall health.
The project builds on the actions of the Victorian Government and local councils to improve the health of the Yarra River and Port Phillip Bay. It will help restore ageing infrastructure associated with the existing Parks Victoria litter trap programme and also support the cleaning of traps to ensure their ongoing effectiveness.
In addition to this funding, two Green Army teams will be deployed in 2014–15 to carry out revegetation and weed control along the banks of the Yarra River.
Support for the Yarra River and Port Phillip Bay is an important part of the Government’s commitment to a healthier environment.