In line with the Government’s commitment to respond to community concerns about wind farms, it has appointed the National Wind Farm Commissioner along with members to the Independent Scientific Committee on Wind Turbines.
Mr Andrew Dyer has been appointed as the National Wind Farm Commissioner for a period of three years. His role will be to facilitate resolution of complaints from concerned community residents about, and to provide greater transparency on the operations of, wind farms. An annual report by the Commissioner will be made to the Australian Parliament.
A former Chairman of the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman Council, Mr Dyer has an extensive background as an executive, consultant and company director in a range of industries including the services, renewable energy and information technology sectors.
The Independent Scientific Committee on Wind Turbines has been established to build on the work of the National Health and Medical Research Council and provide advice on the science and monitoring of potential impacts of wind turbine sound on health and the environment. It will provide an Annual Report to the Australian Parliament.
It will be chaired by RMIT Adjunct Professor Jon Davy, one of Australia’s leading acoustics researchers. Other members of the Committee are:
Associate Professor Simon Carlile, Head of the Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory, School of Medical Science, University of Sydney and Senior Director of Research at the Starkey Hearing Research Centre, University of California Berkeley, USA.
Clinical Professor David Hillman, Department of Pulmonary Physiology and Sleep Medicine
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Perth, WA.
Dr Kym Burgemeister, Acoustics Associate Principal, Arup.