Australia will reduce greenhouse gas emissions so they are 26-28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.
This is a responsible and achievable target. It is comparable to the targets of other developed countries and allows our economy and jobs to grow strongly.
The target builds on Australia’s excellent record. We met and beat our first Kyoto target and expect to do the same in 2020 through the Government’s Direct Action plan.
Australia is making a strong and credible contribution to the international effort to tackle climate change.
Our emissions intensity and emissions per person will fall further than other developed economies.
Australia’s emissions per person will decline by at least 50 per cent between 2005 and 2030, while emissions per unit of GDP will fall by 64 per cent.
The Government will meet Australia’s 2030 target through policies built on the successful Direct Action plan, in particular the Emissions Reduction Fund and its Safeguard Mechanism.
The Emissions Reduction Fund is already achieving significant emissions reductions – with 47 million tonnes contracted at less than $14 per tonne in the first auction alone.
We are on our way to planting 20 million trees by 2020 and have rolled out more than 350 Green Army projects around the country.
There are many additional ways we can reduce emissions, while saving businesses and households money and lifting productivity.
We will prioritise a National Energy Productivity Plan, working with State and Territory governments to improve energy productivity by up to 40 per cent by 2030.
We will develop a National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy.
The Government will review Australia’s emissions reduction policies in detail in 2017-18, in close consultation with businesses and the community.
We are committed to tackling climate change without a carbon tax or an emissions trading scheme that will hike up power bills for families, pensioners and businesses.
At 26-28 per cent, Australia’s target gets the right balance between our economic and environmental responsibilities.
We have a strong and credible target to take to Paris and Australia will work with our international partners to achieve a strong agreement at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in December.