Bill Shorten has reaffirmed Labor’s commitment to a carbon tax. This means more pain for families, more jobs at risk and more damage to Australia’s international competitiveness.
According to the SMH today, Bill Shorten will take his plan to the next election.
Once again Labor has confirmed they want to hit Australian families with higher electricity and gas prices, and increase the overall cost of living.
Labor has not learnt the lesson from the last election. Labor continues to ignore the Australian people.
Bill Shorten likes to pretend he supports a price on carbon but is against a carbon tax. A price on carbon is exactly what a carbon tax is!
In Labor’s last budget they predicted a $38 price for their Emissions Trading Scheme – 50% higher than the fixed price for the carbon tax.
An Emissions Trading Scheme is simply a carbon tax by a different name.
Voters should not be fooled by Bill Shorten – the lover of skyrocketing electricity bills.
Before the last election Labor said they’d scrap the carbon tax. Then they voted in Parliament to keep the carbon tax. Now they want to bring back the carbon tax.
The Coalition scrapped Labor’s carbon tax to deliver relief to Australian families and business – and this relief flowed through straight away.
Electricity and gas prices have a fallen across the country. Bill Shorten wants to take away these savings.
Unlike Labor, the Government is committed to tackling climate change without a multi-billion dollar carbon tax that drives up the cost of living.
Labor’s carbon tax caused $15.4 billion of damage to the Australian economy in its first two years of operation.
You just can’t trust Labor when it comes to the carbon tax.