A re-elected Turnbull Government will invest to construct a new Willow Road Boardwalk near the Chertsey Primary School
“The request for a boardwalk in Springfield has been a dream of the community for over 15 years, but hasn't been possible due to flooding issues, funding, traffic concerns and other issues,” Mrs Wicks said.
“The proposed 90m boardwalk from Balfour Close to Willow Road would boost access and safety, while protecting the Springfield Street Wetland Reserve.”
“Central Coast Council and local families have told me development of a formal walkway will help protect any sensitive vegetation, especially by controlling the walking area and protecting local wildlife.”
Chertsey Primary School is supporting school students to learn about protecting the local environment
Schools around Australia are participating in the Keep Australia Beautiful Eco-schools program, a simple, seven step framework and accreditation system for establishing a sustainability culture across the entire school and broader community.
“Adding to the already substantial work that the school is undertaking, I am pleased that Chertsey Primary School will be the first new school to participate in Keep Australia Beautiful’s new expanded Eco-school’s program,” Minister Hunt said.
Keep Australia Beautiful CEO Philip Robinson has said “Eco-schools is a student-led, simple curriculum flexible program that has been embraced by more than 48,000 schools and over 15 million students across 59 countries around the world”
A re-elected Turnbull Government will provide Keep Australia Beautiful with $300,000 to continue to grow and expand the program.
These actions build on the Government’s support for local community action to protect and clean up local waterways and the marine environment through new funding of $250,000 for the Clean4Shores and $300,000 for Clean Up Australia.