A re-elected Coalition Government will deliver a new Green Army project for Salt Pan Creek at Padstow and Peakhurst.
Green Army teams have already been working at various locations along Salt Pan Creek and undertaking activities including bush regeneration, weed and rubbish removal and natural rehabilitation.
“The Green Army teams at Peakhurst and Padstow have been working hard to help clean up Salt Pan Creek”, Mr Coleman said.
“The team in Peakhurst removed more than 20 truckloads of rubbish”.
“These projects have achieved excellent results so far. But more work needs to be done”.
“I am pleased that the Government will deliver more Green Army teams at Salt Pan Creek”.
The Green Army provides opportunities for young Australians aged 17-24 years to gain training and experience which will assist them in the future to find jobs, while generating real benefits for the local environment.
The Green Army has been a huge success with 1145 projects announced nationally and more than 700 projects already rolled out in urban, rural and remote areas.
“David Coleman is a great local member who regularly talks to me about the environmental needs of his local community. He should be congratulated for advocating for these projects so strongly,” Minister Hunt said.
The Green Army programme not only benefits the environment, but also provides participants with skills and experience which will support them in finding jobs or further education.