A re-elected Turnbull Government will help community groups in Herbert to lower their power bills and play their part in reducing Australia’s emissions by providing $100,000 towards the cost of installing solar.
“The Solar Communities program will provide funding for groups across Australia to install rooftop solar PV, solar hot water and battery storage systems for community owned buildings,” Mr Jones said.
Endeavour Foundation in Garbutt will receive $15,000 to assist with the cost of installing solar.
“Endeavour Foundation in Garbutt is a great local community organisation which provides intensive specialised education, training and supported employment to more than 50 locals with a disability,” Mr Jones said.
Pedro Mendiolea, member of Endeavour Foundation’s Board of Directors and North Queensland Area Committee, said that the programme promised sustainability on a number of fronts.
“The impact of installing solar panels runs far beyond environmental benefits. By enabling Endeavour Foundation to reduce its running costs, we can ensure that even more funding will be available to train and employ people with a disability over the longer term. That’s good news all round,” Mr Mendiolea said.
The Coalition recognises the important role community and household solar plays in Australia’s transition to a low emissions economy with an increase in renewable energy.
“Community organisations such as churches, sporting clubs and scouts will also be able to apply for funding of up to $15,000,” Minister Hunt said.
“Around 350 community groups are expected to benefit from the expanded program, with $5 million available.”
“Unlike Labor, the Coalition is committed to tackling climate change without hiking up power bills for community groups, families and businesses and putting Australian jobs at risk,” Mr Jones said.
“Bill Shorten’s carbon tax is a tax on electricity and will hurt community groups across Australia.”
By contrast, the Coalition is committed to supporting community groups with our expanded Solar Communities program.
“Under the Turnbull Government, half a million households and businesses have already made the switch to solar,” Minister Hunt said.
Australia has the highest proportion of households with solar panels in the world – about 15 per cent.
The Australian Government’s Renewable Energy Target provides for an average rebate for a solar system of $3000, or about 30 per cent of the installation cost.
We have also established a $250 million Community Housing Program to help lower costs for low income families and residents through the construction of up to 1,000 new energy efficiency homes.
We have established a $1 billion Clean Energy Innovation Fund to support the latest technology which will transform our renewable energy use over the coming decade.
Only the Coalition is committed to tackling climate change without a job-destroying carbon tax.