Eight community groups across Tasmania will be the first to receive grants to assist with the purchase and installation of renewable energy systems through the Solar Towns Programme.
“These grants are part of a commitment by the Government to install renewable energy systems on buildings that provide support for the local community,” Federal Member for Lyons, Eric Hutchinson MP said
“The programme will give communities an opportunity to engage at a local level with clean renewable energy, improve local environments, generate a sense of community ownership and self reliance and improve local community outcomes”.
Grants are capped at $20,000, with total funding for these first eight projects amounting to over $150,000. The funding will be made available this financial year to community groups in the area to assist with the purchase and installation of solar photovoltaic panels, solar hot water systems or heat pump hot water systems.
“Communities in Bagdad, Bicheno, Gagebrook, New Norfolk, Nubeena, Oatlands, Sorell and St Helens will benefit from the programme,” said Minister for the Environment, Greg Hunt.
“I strongly encourage community groups such as sports clubs, service clubs and community health services to consider making an application”.
This round of grants closes on 20 February 2015. Further calls for applications in other regions will be made next year.
Community groups will receive funding under this programme as part of a commitment by the Government to install renewable energy systems on a number of pre-selected community sites.
Further information about the programme, including guidelines and how to apply, is available at