Funding information from the National Health Funding Body Administrator (NHFBA) has shown that Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has slowed investment into healthcare on the Mornington Peninsula to a crawl.
Information from the NHFBA shows that Victorian funding to Peninsula Health only increased by 14.1% between 2013-14 and 2016-17.
Meanwhile, Commonwealth funding over the same period skyrocketed 40.9% to over $190 million.
“Mr Andrews needs to stop just governing for those he thinks can help him cling to power and start governing for all Victorians,” Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said.
“The Federal Government is investing more than ever to ensure that healthcare services on the Peninsula meet the needs of our local community.
“Daniel Andrews needs to explain to the Mornington Peninsula community why State funding to Peninsula Health has not kept pace and why Commonwealth funding has increased almost 3 times faster than Victorian state funding.”
Federal Member for Dunkley, Chris Crewther MP, echoed Minister Hunt’s comments, saying Mr Andrews and his Labor colleagues were failing Peninsula residents.
“The fact is that the Federal Government is over time adding billions and billions of dollars to Victorian hospital funding,” Mr Crewther said.
“Daniel Andrews and his Labor colleagues must explain why State hospital funding has increased by so little compared to Federal hospital funding.”
“The Andrews Labor Government, including the State Labor Member for Frankston, Paul Edbrooke MP, have not only shunned Victorians, but are also claiming on social media that the Federal Government is cutting $90 million from Peninsula Health's budget.
“I ask for them to withdraw their comments and to not mislead and frighten local residents that there will be fewer doctors, nurses, etc, in our community, when in actual fact our extra funding enables more!
“These comments are an absolute lie. I will not put up with such falsities being fed to local residents on the important issue of healthcare.”