Better support services for young Australians are on the way to the Bass Coast and South Gippsland thanks to the establishment of headspace services in Wonthaggi.
Gippsland PHN has announced Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV) as the lead agency to establish and deliver headspace services for Bass Coast and South Gippsland, based out of a new centre in Wonthaggi.
Federal Member for Flinders, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP, said the new headspace facility will provide much improved mental health support for locals.
“One in four Australians will suffer from mental health issues each year and it is vital that we provide the services to assist them,” Minister Hunt said.
“Headspace provides highly accessible, youth-friendly models of support for some of the serious issues young Australians face, with mental health, general health, alcohol and other drug and vocational concerns at the forefront of their thinking.
“The Australian Government is committed to supporting and expanding headspace across the country, which is why we invested $28.9 million to establish ten new headspace services by 2019, including on the Bass Coast and Gippsland.”
Minister Hunt was also pleased that the new headspace would see the establishment of a Youth Assist Clinic on Phillip Island.
“The establishment of a specialised Youth Assist Clinic on Phillip Island will mean locals won’t have to travel off island to have access to mental health services,” Minister Hunt said.
“This Clinic will work with our local medical providers and is expected to commence in December this year to provide better response, treatment and outcomes for young people experiencing mental illness on the Island.”
Support services to be provided at headspace Bass Coast-South Gippsland will include mental health, physical health, alcohol and other drug use, and social and vocational support services.
The new headspace will also support existing Youth Assist Clinics in Foster, Korumburra, Leongatha and Wonthaggi, as well as an additional Youth Assist Clinic to be established on Phillip Island.
It is expected that the new headspace service will commence providing services in early December 2018.
Gippsland PHN CEO, Marianne Shearer said she is delighted that RAV is leading the new headspace services in the Bass Coast and South Gippsland region.
“RAV already has a strong history of providing mental health services and supporting young people and families with issues affecting their wellbeing and relationships. Their knowledge and expertise will be of great value to our young and vulnerable community,” said Ms Shearer.