The Government has appointed Dr Nick Gales as Australia’s new Commissioner to the International Whaling Commission.
Dr Gales appointment was approved prior to the caretaker period.
Dr Gales takes up this position at a critical time in Australia’s efforts to maintain the global moratorium on commercial whaling.
This year is the 30th anniversary of the moratorium and it is as important today as it was 30 years ago.
For over a decade, the eminently qualified Dr Gales led Australia’s delegation to the International Whaling Commission’s Scientific Committee – a role that culminated in him serving as a key witness in Australia’s successful case at the International Court of Justice against whaling by Japan in the Southern Ocean.
Dr Gales will ensure that Australia continues to be a leading voice in the International Whaling Commission advocating for a permanent end to all forms of commercial whaling, and so-called ‘scientific’ whaling.
Australia maintains that all information necessary for the management and conservation of whales can be obtained through non-lethal methods, and was deeply disappointed that Japan resumed whaling in the Southern Ocean this past summer.
Dr Gales will represent Australia in Slovenia at IWC meetings next week.