Today I am pleased to announce the membership of the newly reconstituted Indigenous Advisory Committee.
This committee is an important advisory group that will provide both myself and my Department with sound and ongoing advice on cultural and natural resource management under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
When it comes to protecting our environment, the contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians are unique to our natural and cultural landscape.
The Indigenous Advisory Committee will ensure the voices of Indigenous Australians are heard at the highest levels of Government. I’m pleased to announce the committee’s members are:
• Ms Melissa George—Chair (QLD)
• Mr Bruce Martin—Deputy Chair (QLD)
• Mr Ronald (Ricky) Archer (QLD)
• Mr Robert (Robbie) Dalton (NT)
• Ms Josie Douglas (NT)
• Mr Joseph Elu (Torres Strait)
• Ms Teagan Goolmeer (NSW)
• Ms Denise Lovett (VIC)
• Mr Wayne See Kee (Torres Strait)
The role of the Indigenous Advisory Committee is to:
• provide advice to me and my Department on issues that are relevant to achieving the objects of the EPBC Act
• ensure the views of Indigenous peoples are considered in the administration of the EPBC Act
• advise on other matters that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the environment portfolio.
I would like to thank the committee members for their valuable contribution and look forward to working with them to incorporate the views and aspirations of Indigenous Australians into creating a cleaner environment for our country.
Further information on the committee can be obtained at: