After a decade and half of community advocacy, the residents of Koo Wee Rup are a step closer to receiving reticulated natural gas to their homes.
Following representations made to the Victorian Government regarding the Koo Wee Rup gas project, it was pleasing to hear that the project is well advanced with the Australian Gas Networks and their delivery partner APA Group recently laying 11.3 kilometres of reticulation mains across Koo Wee Rup.
The former State Coalition Government in 2011 committed $100 million towards the Energy for the Regions Program with the aim of providing greater access to natural gas for communities across regional and rural Victoria.
It is expected that the project announced by the former Napthine Coalition Government in early 2014 will be completed by April next year and will provide over 1,300 residents and businesses across Koo Wee Rup with piped natural gas.
The project will provide the region with an affordable and environmentally friendly source of energy and will assist in lowering household power bills.
The availability of natural gas could lead to the creation of many new local jobs as existing businesses expand and new businesses are attracted to invest within the region.
The reticulation of natural gas across the Flinders electorate remains a key focus for many within the community. We have had successes with Lang Lang achieving piped natural gas, however the fight continues for the residents of Devon Meadows and across much of the Bass Coast region.
Residents from Koo Wee Rup have fought for this project for many years and are to be congratulated for their long term support of this vital piece of infrastructure.