Labor cut the private health insurance rebate when they were in government after guaranteeing they wouldn’t touch it.
Today on Sky News, Labor’s Shadow Health Spokesperson Catherine King continually refused to rule out cutting the rebate yet again.
This is on top of their current policy to drive up private health insurance premiums by 16 per cent by removing low cost policies.
Modelling by Deloitte shows plans to scrap lower-cost policies would result in a 16 per cent increase in private health insurance premiums for millions of Australians.
That would make cover unaffordable for many individuals, families and pensioners.
The 16 per cent increase combined with a savage cut to the private health insurance rebate would be disastrous for individuals and families. And for pensioners it could see premiums rise by as much as 50 per cent.
Bill Shorten and Catherine King should come out today rule out making any changes to the rebate and reverse their planned 16 per cent price hike on premiums.
Until this happens, Labor is putting private health insurance at risk. Australians could miss out on the new healthcare and latest medical treatments being developed.
Furthermore, a collapse in the private health insurance sector would see public hospital waiting times blow out.
The Turnbull Government is committed to supporting the 13 million Australians that have taken out private health insurance – and that’s why we’re investing around $6.4 billion a year in the rebate.
Our package of real reforms has delivered the lowest annual premium change in 17 years, far lower than every year under the Rudd and Gillard governments.
We understand every single dollar matters, that’s why our policies are focused on lower premiums.
We’re committed to private health insurance. Bill Shorten just wants to dismantle it – and deprive Australians of the medical treatment they want and deserve.