Federal Member for Flinders Greg Hunt visited Lang Lang today to announce Cardinia Shire Council’s success in securing $1.5 million in funding through the first round of the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) for the development of a new pavilion within the Recreation Precinct.
“This project is a significant investment into the local area that will provide a state-of-the-art multipurpose community and recreation facility,” Mr Hunt said.
“The pavilion will provide universal access with unisex change facilities, a multipurpose community space and large event capacity.
“Its design will be both environmentally sustainable and aesthetically pleasing and will boost jobs in the area both during construction and upon completion.
Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Cr Brett Owen said the funding received through the BBRF would contribute to a broader community project that would provide recreational facilities for Lang Lang and the surrounding area.
“The pavilion will form part of a broader development of the reserve, which will include football, cricket, netball, tennis facilities and wetlands,” Cr Owen said.
“The pavilion will also play host to a number of regional events, which will create a flow-on effect for tourism in the township.
“Recreation precincts are vital to ensuring people are able to play sport, keep active and remain engaged in the community.”
Mr Hunt said the Building Better Regions Fund contributed to making our communities more vibrant and connected.
“These grants aim to help build the kinds of communities our children and grandchildren either want to stay in or return to,” Mr Hunt said.
“The Building Better Regions Fund will deliver $500 million over four years to support important projects that will enhance regional economic growth.”
The Building Better Regions Fund has two streams, the Infrastructure Projects Stream and the Community Investments Stream. Successful applicants for funding under the Community Investments Stream will be announced in the coming months. More information about the Building Better Regions Fund is available at: www.business.gov.au/bbrf