I am encouraging local public schools to take more responsibility for their own affairs by becoming independent.
The Government’s $70 million Independent Public Schools initiative allows schools to have a greater say in their own governance and encourages greater community and parental engagement.
I hope schools across the electorate from Sorrento to Hastings, Koo Wee Rup and the Bass Coast will seriously consider this venture.
There are some terrific local schools here and this will give them more autonomy in their decision making and greater flexibility to tailor school operations to meet the needs of students and local communities.
Principals, parents and school communities are best placed to make the decisions that affect their schools.
I am sure many schools will find the decision to become Independent Public Schools an exciting and attractive option.
As part of the Government’s Students First education reforms we have set a goal for 25 per cent, or approximately 1500, existing public schools to become Independent Public Schools by 2017.
Under the Students First approach, the Australian Government will work with the states and territories, teachers and parents to focus on four key areas that will make a difference, including teacher quality, principal autonomy, engaging parents in education and strengthening the curriculum.
To complement the Independent Public Schools initiative, the Coalition Government has also released a Guide for Parents on School Boards and School Councils.
Further information on the Government’s Independent Public Schools policy, including the Guide for Parents on School Boards and School Councils can be found at www.studentsfirst.gov.au
Media contact: Samantha Robin on 03 5979 3188 or 0427 787 166