Federal Member for Flinders, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP, has called for local volunteers to apply for a scholarship to attend this year’s National Volunteering Conference.
Minister Hunt said the scholarships would support volunteer coordinators and community leaders to travel to Sydney for the national conference.
“The scholarships recognise the vital role volunteers play in our communities by funding conference registration, accommodation and travel costs for managers and leaders of volunteers in rural, regional or disadvantaged communities,” Mr Hunt said.
“Volunteers in Flinders are at the heart of our community, from fighting fires, to raising money for local sport and caring for our most vulnerable.”
“I strongly encourage the leaders, managers and coordinators of volunteer and community organisations to apply for the scholarships so they take an active part in shaping volunteering into the future.”
Minister for Social Services, the Hon Dan Tehan MP, said the conference funding was part of the Australian Government’s $63 million support for volunteering to 2020-21.
“It’s important to support the Australians who sacrifice their time and energy giving back to the community,” Mr Tehan said.
Volunteering Australia will assess the applications on merit.
For information on the National Volunteering Conference 2018 (20-22 June) and to apply for the scholarships go to: nvc2018.com.au
Applications close 15 March.