Cardinia Shire Council has received $1.17 million in the latest round of the Australian Government’s Roads to Recovery Program to assist with local road construction and maintenance.
Quarterly payments through the $2.1 billion Roads to Recovery Program allow councils to direct local road funding to where it is needed most.
This latest installation of Roads to Recovery funding will mean Cardinia Shire Council can repair, maintain and manage our local roads.
Local roads provide key links from our homes, schools and workplaces to arterial roads and national highways.
These funds will make a real difference in building roads, repairing streets and creating better access for all community members.
This will ensure that motorists, pedestrians and cyclists enjoy faster, safer and more comfortable journeys on our roads.
This is great news for residents and businesses across the Cardinia Shire.
The Roads to Recovery payments are additional to the $575 million our local governments shared last month through the Australian Government Financial Assistance Grants programme, which is providing $2.3 billion nationwide in 2014-15.
The Australian Government supports local governments to provide vital infrastructure and services through Financial Assistance Grants, Bridges Renewal, Black Spot and Roads to Recovery programs.
More information on these programs can be found at
Media contact: Samantha Robin on 03 5979 3188 or 0400 175 355