Federal Member for Flinders Greg Hunt was delighted to announce $2,727 in funding for the Western Port Oberon Association.
The Oberon Association will use the funds to purchase and install a cabinet at the Victorian Maritime Centre in Crib Point to display historical maritime, navy and merchant navy memorabilia.
The funding was granted through the Federal Government’s Saluting Their Service grant program.
“This project will honour local men and women who have served, and continue to serve, in defence of our nation,” Mr Hunt said.
“The Association has catalogued memorabilia, collected over many years, and put this on display at the Victorian Maritime Centre in Crib Point.
“Members of the Western Port Oberon Association have dedicated countless hours of their own time to ensure complete and acuate records of our maritime history are preserved and remembered by future generations. They are to be commended on their efforts.”
Mr Hunt said the grants supported community projects to honour our wartime history.
“The Saluting Their Service Community Commemorative Grants program provides grants of up to $4,000 for projects and is a rolling grants program, so applications are accepted at any time,” Mr Hunt said.
Local community organisations interested in applying for funding under the Saluting Their Service grants program should contact the Department of Veterans’ Affairs’ Commemorative Grants team on 1800 026 185 or email commemorativegrants@dva.gov.au