Transcript – Doorstop – Melbourne

E&OE…                       Topics: Mental health support for front line health workers; Nursing scholarships announcement; General COVID-19 update; Government’s mental health pandemic plan; Social restrictions; Mother’s Day; Antibody testing.   GREG HUNT: Welcome everybody and I’m delighted to be here at Monash University at the school of nursing.   In particular, I’m joined by the Dean…

Transcript – Doorstop – Melbourne

E&OE…                       Topics: Convalescent plasma announcement; COVID-19 update; COVIDSafe app; National Cabinet; Melbourne meatworks investigation; Strathfield Council; New Zealand/coronavirus reporting.   GREG HUNT: Thanks everyone. Welcome to the Lifeblood centre here in Frankston. It’s where they collect blood and plasma for the benefit of all Australians.   As part of that, I’m delighted to be…