Community groups and local councils are encouraged to apply for funding under the Building Better Regions Fund, which is available for community and infrastructure projects.
The Turnbull Government’s Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) is an opportunity to invest in rural, regional and remote Australia.
The fund is aimed at creating the kinds of regional communities that our children and grandchildren want to either stay in or come back to.
The BBRF gives our communities the opportunity to think outside the square and show us the types of investments that will strengthen our local community and create jobs.
Projects that display innovation and demonstrate economic benefits for the region will be prioritised.
Applications under the new BBRF will be assessed in three categories depending on the size of the project to ensure that small community projects are not competing against major infrastructure proposals.
Applications close on Tuesday 28 February 2017 for the Infrastructure Projects Stream and Friday 31 March 2017 for the Community Investments Stream. For more information visit