Doorstop Melbourne

E&OE…. Topics: Burke and Wills site heritage listing, Tony Abbott, Queensland Nickel, Werribee South irrigation system GREG HUNT: The story of Burke and Wills is one of the great Australian stories. It's about grand vision, grand execution, fatal miscalculations, tragedy, the generosity of the Yandruwandha, the survival of John King – and it's a great…

Largest solar farms in Southern Hemisphere powering 50,000 Australian homes

The Government’s investment in renewable energy innovation today culminated in the official opening of the nation’s two largest solar photovoltaic (PV) plants in Nyngan and Broken Hill. “The 102 MW Nyngan and 53 MW Broken Hill solar plants have more than doubled Australia’s large-scale solar capacity and can generate enough electricity to power 50,000 average…

Government’s large-scale solar funding initiative receives big response

The Turnbull Government’s $350 million commitment for new large-scale solar projects has generated significant interest in the sector with high-quality proposals now set to advance to the next stage. Twenty-two (22) eligible expressions of interest (EOIs) received by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) for its $100 million large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) competitive round have…