Federal Member for Flinders, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP, has called on the Victorian Labor Government to join with the local community to fix the deteriorating basketball courts at Rye Primary School.
For the past three years, the school’s sporting captains have been holding community events to raise funds to fix the basketball courts, which have significant slope, large divots in the bitumen and only one drain, which constantly leads to flooding of the courts.
This has led to numerous injuries, including broken arms, legs and ankles.
The school is seeking to resurface the courts with a safer, more durable surface which will greatly improve the safety of facilities at the school.
Rye local Sarah Race hoped the efforts of the Sports Captains would be met with action by the Government.
“As a parent and volunteer, I’ve had the privilege of working with the grade six sports leaders to fundraise to resurface the basketball courts,” Mrs Race said.
“This bunch of kids have shown real leadership and tenacity in organising events, writing letters, creating partnerships with community organisations and speaking to Greg to raise awareness of the dire state of our courts.”
“It would be great if their hard work could be rewarded.”
Minister Hunt has urged Labor’s Member for Nepean, Chris Brayne MP and Victorian Education Minister, James Merlino MP, to meet with the school and students to ensure a safer playground for the school.
“While on my Walk for Autism last year, I was approached by the Rye Primary School sports captains to talk to me about their basketball courts,” Mr Hunt said.
“When looking at the courts, it is apparent that there are several issues, including uneven surfaces, inadequate drainage and crumbling bitumen, resulting in several injuries and a dangerous playground environment for the students of the school.”
“When the kids can say that any time it rains their courts turn into a wading pool, it is time for the government to act.”
“I urge Mr Brayne, Minister Merlino and Premier Andrews to act and secure funding to see the school undergo this vital infrastructure upgrade.”
“The Rye Primary School Captains have done their part to improve their local community; it is time for the Victorian Government to join them.
“This is a state school; this is their role. To ensure that children have a safe environment to stay active and that the local community have sporting facilities they can rely on.”
“I hope that The Victorian Labor Government will meet with the school and the local community to find a solution to this important community issue.”