The Australian Government will soon be inviting organisations to apply for large-scale projects under round five of the Green Army Programme.
Organisations will be invited to submit multi-project proposals showing how they could use between three and 15 Green Army teams over a period of two to three years from July 2016 to improve their local environment.
Organisations interested in submitting an application for one or two projects will also be able to apply under this round.
A round dedicated to long-term projects has been discussed with teams and councils, and has been eagerly awaited.
It will encourage organisations to think about how Green Army teams could be used across a broad area of land over a longer period of time to maximise outcomes for their region, a nationally listed threatened species or a heritage place.
This a unique opportunity for community organisations, Landcare groups, natural resource management organisations, environment groups, Indigenous organisations, local councils and others to develop longer term, large-scale projects with a whole of landscape approach.
A multi-project proposal could focus on a single environmental or heritage asset, such as a threatened species across multiple regions or states, or it could focus on multiple environmental outcomes in a region.
For example, proposals could conserve threatened species through control of feral animals and Weeds of National Significance in a remote Indigenous area; enhance a place on Australia’s National Heritage List; or improve the quality of water entering the Great Barrier Reef.
To date, 1,145 Green Army projects have been announced and more than 550 projects rolled out across Australia.
Projects include restoring native vegetation, heritage restoration, protecting animal habitats and regenerating wetlands in urban, rural and remote areas.
The opportunity to develop multi-project proposals for large-scale bodies of work will provide future Green Army project hosts with an excellent opportunity to build on past successes of the programme.
Future participants will have the opportunity to gain practical training and experience while being paid to work on projects that will improve the environment in their local community.
Round five of the Green Army Programme will open in March 2016 for projects commencing from 1 July 2016.
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