Final World Heritage Committee decision praises Australia and unanimously rejects “in danger” listing for Great Barrier Reef

JOINT MEDIA RELEASE WITH HON DR STEVEN MILES MP, QUEENSLAND MINISTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT & HON JACKIE TRAD MP, QUEENSLAND DEPUTY PREMIER Australia and Queensland strongly welcome the final and unanimous decision of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to not place the Great Barrier Reef on its world heritage in-danger list. In fact, all references…

Over $485 million in Reef investments this year

JOINT MEDIA RELEASE WITH HON DR STEVEN MILES MP, QUEENSLAND MINISTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT & HON JACKIE TRAD MP, QUEENSLAND DEPUTY PREMIER Investment by the Australian and Queensland Governments, industry and the community in the Great Barrier Reef exceeded more than $485 million in 2014/15 alone, according to the new Investment Baseline released today. Deputy…