Support for Parkinson’s disease medical research

The Liberal National Government is supporting research that will help us understand the role of cognitive networks in Parkinson’s disease with the hope of leading to better treatment and self-management of the disease.   Parkinson’s disease is a progressive, degenerative neurological condition that affects a person’s control of their body movements.   It currently affects…

2GB interview with Chris Kenny

E&OE…                       Topics: Immunisation rates – No Jab, No Pay; Labor’s poor record on PBS; CFMEU; record child immunisation rates   CHRIS KENNY: Now there has been a lot on focus in vaccination in recent years, the lack of vaccination in our communities. There some good news here that the No Jab, No Pay policy…

Support for prostate cancer medical research

The Liberal National Government is investing almost $800,000 into research into how prostate cancer spreads and becomes resistant to normal treatments. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia. It can be lethal when it spreads to other organs, and can become resistant to conventional therapies. Dr Philip Gregory, from the University of…

$3 million for tick bite medical research

The Liberal National Government will provide $3 million for two studies that aims to reduce the debilitating symptoms attributed to tick bites.   Thousands of Australians have had their lives, and those of their families, impacted by chronic symptoms associated with tick bites such as fatigue, arthritis, chronic pain, headaches and ongoing psychological symptoms.  …

Lower electricity prices in 2019

Thousands of Australian families and small businesses on standing offers will this get an automatic discount of up to 15 per cent off their electricity bill in 2019.   Government pressure on retailers has resulted in lower power bills from today for standing offer customers across Victoria, including the Mornington Peninsula.   Federal Member for…

2GB interview with Michael McLaren

E&OE…                       Topics; Labor’s private health insurance policy forcing regional hospitals to cut services; Mavenclad listed on the PBS for MS   MICHAEL MCLAREN: Look, from that back into the real world – good news for multiple sclerosis sufferers this Christmas Eve because patients are set to save $54,000 a year after the drug Mavenclad…