ABC Melbourne Drive Interview with Nicole Chavstek

E&OE… Topics: Opening of Ford’s Asia Pacific Product Development Centre; Alcoa; Cory Bernardi NICOLE CHVASTEK: Greg Hunt, good afternoon. GREG HUNT: And good afternoon Nicole. NICOLE CHVASTEK: How do you like the sound of the Cory Bernardi party? GREG HUNT: Look, I have a suspicion that all of this is wildly overstated. I've got a…

Have your say on priority areas for future CRCs

The Turnbull Government is seeking input from the industry, science and research communities on priority research themes for upcoming selection rounds of the Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Programme. Public consultation opening today will identify possible themes and priorities for CRC and CRC Project selection rounds over the next two years. The CRC Programme has played…

Report on Australia’s intellectual property system released for consultation

The Turnbull Government has today released for consultation the findings of the Productivity Commission’s final report on its Inquiry into Australia’s Intellectual Property (IP) Arrangements. The Productivity Commission’s consultations were extensive and included over 600 submissions and 4 roundtables, 6 public hearings and over 800 research references. This is a report to government and we…

ABC 774 Melbourne – Interview with Steve Martin

E&OE… Topics: Meeting with Alcoa CEO in New York to help secure jobs at the Portland aluminium smelter; sustainable power solution for Alcoa; Clean Energy Finance Corporation STEVE MARTIN: Greg Hunt joins me in the studio this morning. Minister, good morning to you. GREG HUNT: Good morning Steve. STEVE MARTIN: Thanks for your time. Why…

Australian innovation set to be a global leader in gold analysis

Gold analysis technology developed by CSIRO is set to be commercialised by a new Australian company, Chrysos, in an exciting development that has the potential to place Australia as a world leader in analytical services for the precious metal. As an Australian innovation being taken to market by an Australian company, this is another example…

$500 million fund will help build Australia’s biomedical industry of the future

The Turnbull Government is today launching the $500 million Biomedical Translation Fund, established under the government’s National Innovation and Science Agenda, which will help take Australian biomedical discoveries out of the laboratory and to the patient. Three experienced venture capital fund managers have been selected to help turn biomedical discoveries into high growth potential companies…