Transcript – Press Conference – Canberra

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   31 May 2021   PRESS CONFERENCE CANBERRA   E&OE…                       Topics: COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Update   GREG HUNT: Thank you very much to everybody for joining us today. I’m accompanied by Professor Michael Kidd, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, who has…

World No Tobacco Day 2021 – Helping More Australians Quit Smoking

With approximately 20,000 Australians dying each year from tobacco-related illness, the Australian Government is investing $3 million through Cancer Council Victoria towards a new national best practice support service for nicotine cessation to ensure these health professional have up-to-date evidence-based resources.   Additional initiatives in the 2021–22 Budget aimed at encouraging people to quit smoking…

Transcript – Press Conference – Canberra

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   30 May 2021   PRESS CONFERENCE CANBERRA   E&OE…                       Topics: COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Update; Outbreak in Australia; Federal Government support for Victoria.   GREG HUNT: I’m delighted to be joined today by Professor Brendan Murphy, the Secretary of the Department…

Transcript – Press Conference – Canberra

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   28 May 2021   PRESS CONFERENCE CANBERRA   E&OE…                       Topics: Vaccine rollout, Victorian lockdown.   GREG HUNT: Good afternoon everyone. I’m joined by the Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly, and the Head of the Vaccines Coordination Program, Commodore Eric…

Transcript – Interview – The Today Show

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   28 May 2021   INTERVIEW WITH KARL STEFANOVIC AND ALLISON LANGDON THE TODAY SHOW   E&OE…                       Topics: COVID vaccination update   KARL STEFANOVIC: Hey, Health Minister Greg Hunt joins us now from Canberra. Minister, you’ve obviously never seen a more…

Transcript – Interview – Leigh Sales ABC 7:30

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   27 May 2021   INTERVIEW WITH LEIGH SALES ABC 7.30   E&OE…                       Topics: COVID-19 vaccination rollout, COVID Outbreak in Victoria, Hotel Quarantine   LEIGH SALES: The Health Minister Greg Hunt joins me now live from Canberra. Thanks for your time…