Lifeline Australia CEO Peter Shmigel

I want to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Pete Shmigel for his work, dedication and stewardship of Lifeline Australia for the last two years. For more than 50 years Lifeline has helped many thousands of Australians struggling with life’s challenges through its counselling services over the telephone, web and face to face counselling…

Appointment of new ASADA CEO

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Mr David Sharpe as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA). Prior to accepting this position Mr Sharpe’s career background includes 10 years with the Australian Federal Police leading its National Protection Operations; Serious and Organised Crime Group; Counter Terrorism Unit; and…

Transcript – Seven Sunrise

E&OE… Topics: Neil Prakash, Turnbull Government’s new $5.5 million immunisation awareness campaign SALLY BOWREY: Devastating stories of losing a baby to whooping cough will play a part in a $5.5 million push to raise immunisation rates in Australia. For more this morning, I’m joined by Health Minister Greg Hunt. Good morning to you, Minister. GREG…

Transcript – 3AW Sunday Morning

E&OE… Topics: Turnbull Government’s new $5.5 million immunisation awareness campaign, same sex marriage PRESENTER: Greg Hunt, the Federal Health Minister, has launched a new campaign this morning encouraging Australians to get their kids immunised. It's called ‘Get the Facts about Immunisation’, and the Minister joins us now. Minister, we don't need a campaign. The facts…

New campaign to encourage parents to ‘Get the facts about Immunisation’

The Turnbull Government is today launching the new ‘Get the Facts about Immunisation’ campaign to encourage Australian parents and carers to get their kids vaccinated. We know parents want evidence based information to support decision making about childhood vaccinations, so we’re making it easier to ‘get the facts’. Immunisation rates in Australia are already high,…