Doorstop Hobart

Topics: Marine Biodiversity Hub, Earth Sciences and Climate Change Hub, Carp eradication, East-West Link E&OE…. GREG HUNT: Tasmania is home to the icebreaker, it’s home to the Antarctic Gateway Partnership, and it's going to be home to the National Marine Biodiversity Hub. Tasmania is genuinely helping to lead the country in the protection of our…

Doorstop Melbourne

E&OE…. Topics: $30 million agreement for City of Melbourne to reduce emissions and power prices, Carmichael Coal Mine and Rail Infrastructure project, 2030 emissions target GREG HUNT: Look I'm delighted to be here with the Lord Mayor Robert Doyle, with Councillor Arron Wood, and to announce that the Commonwealth of Australia and the City of…

ABC RN breakfastinterview with Fran Kelly

E&OE…. Topics: Office of Climate Change and Renewables Innovation, renewable energy, Emissions Reduction Fund, Maurice Newman, Australia’s 2030 emissions target FRAN KELLY: Greg Hunt is the Environment Minister. Minister, welcome back to Breakfast. GREG HUNT: Good morning, Fran. FRAN KELLY: Under the Government of Tony Abbott, there were moves to try to abolish the CEFC…


E&OE…. Topics: Cities, renewable energy, infrastructure investment, Environment portfolio, EPBC Act MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Greg Hunt, good morning. GREG HUNT: Good morning Michael. MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Clearly this appears to be a turnaround in the view from the Government about public transport. Is it a change of emphasis? GREG HUNT: Look, there is an increased focus. That's…