Transcript, Radio National Drive, Interview with Patricia Karvelas

E&OE….                       Topics: Renewable Energy Target, Iron Ore inquiry, Federal Budget PATRICIA KARVELAS:   A deal on the long awaited agreement on the Renewable Energy Target has finally been struck. The Coalition and Labor have agreed to a target of 33,000 gigawatt hours of electricity to come from renewable sources by 2020. Legislation could be tabled…

Transcript, 2CC Canberra, Interview with Mark Parton

E&OE….                       Topics: Childcare reforms, multinational tax avoidance, Green Army MARK PARTON:    Greg Hunt’s the Federal Environment Minister, he’s sitting on the phone saying ‘Oh God don’t talk to me about Paid Parental Leave’. G’day Greg. GREG HUNT:          Good morning Mark. I’m happy to discuss anything. MARK PARTON:    You do live and learn don’t you?…

Transcript, Press Conference, Brisbane

E&OE….                       Topics: Reef Trust Phase II Projects, Renewable Energy Target GREG HUNT:          Good morning. I’m delighted to be here with Col McKenzie from the Australian Marine Park Tourism Operators, or AMPTO, with Matt Kealley from Canegrowers, and we’re here to announce the second phase of the Reef Trust investments. The first phase delivered $15…

Transcript, Doorstop, Mandurah WA

E&OE….                       Topics: Peel-Harvey Catchment Council, Renewable Energy Target GREG HUNT:          I’m delighted that we’ve been able to support the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council. The 10-year vision is about practical action to improve the waterways, reduce sediment, reduce nitrogen, reduce pesticides, and increase the future for threatened species. So this is a practical plan to improve…

Transcript, Sky News PVO News Hour, Interview with Peter van Onselen

E&OE….                       Topics: Emissions Reduction Fund, Post-2020 Target Consultations PETER VAN ONSELEN:   I’m joined now by Greg Hunt live from the nation’s capital. Thanks very much for being here. GREG HUNT:          G’day, good to see you. PETER VAN ONSELEN:   Answer this one for me – this seems to be the biggest criticism that gets levelled…