Transcript – Hastings doorstop

E&OE… Topics: Launch of Laurie Lawrence’s Kids Alive Do The Five app; Meningococcal vaccine; WA GST GREG HUNT: I’m really thrilled to have the great Laurie Lawrence here in Hastings at Pelican Park. This pool is about teaching kids to swim. It’s about helping parents to understand safety. Today Laurie is launching the Kids Alive…

Transcript – Sunshine Coast press conference

E&OE… Topics: Formalising arrangements for the Sunshine Coast Medical School GREG HUNT: I’m really delighted to be here at Sunshine Coast University Hospital, this magnificent new facility. But more significantly still, it will be the home not just of a hospital, but it will be the home of one of Australia’s great medical schools going…

Coalition formalises local medical places in full and on time

The Turnbull Government has today formalised its commitment to provide 50 Commonwealth Supported Places for local medical students at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital from 2019. This provides a pathway for local residents to study on the Sunshine Coast, stay where they want and then practice locally in the community, providing vital GP and other…

Transcript – FIVEaa interview with Leon Byner

E&OE… Topics: Listing new medicine on the PBS; Medicare funding for MRI prostate tests LEON BYNER: Look, there’s some good news on the horizon and when we have good news I like to let you know. As you know, we’ve got this very good system in Australia which, even though there are people who criticise…

Making more life-changing medicines available to all Australians

The Turnbull Government is listing almost half a billion dollars’ worth of new medicines, providing sufferers of both common and rare diseases access to life-changing drugs for as little as $6.30 per script. Without subsidy from the Turnbull Government, these medicines cost patients as much as $115,000 per year. From tomorrow, patients will only pay…

Peter Conde appointed AIS Director

I welcome the appointment of Mr Peter Conde as the new Director of the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS). Mr Conde assumes the position at an important time for Australian sport and the AIS will play a critical role in the development and implementation of our National Sports Plan. The Plan will help shape the…

$680,000 to improve road safety in Crib Point

The Esplanade from Disney Street to Woolleys Road in Crib Point will be made safer with funding provided through the Commonwealth Government’s Black Spot Program. Works to improve The Esplanade include road widening, shoulder sealing and safety barrier installation. Survey work is currently underway, with detailed designs expected to commence in September this year. Construction…

Commonwealth Games anti-doping funding arrangements finalised

The Turnbull Government will provide $1.8 million to ensure the highest quality anti-doping testing and arrangements are in place for the 2018 Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast. This is a win for athletes and fans alike and locks in a clean and fair Commonwealth Games. Under the arrangements, the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA)…

Major new measures to help combat rare cancers

The Turnbull Government is supporting major new initiatives that will improve access to clinical trials, particularly for people with rare cancers including children. AIM BRAIN is new genetic testing that aims to transform brain tumour classification, treatment and ultimately the survival of children with brain cancer. I am delighted to announce that Australian kids will…

Transcript – Melbourne press conference

E&OE… Topics: Children’s brain cancer announcements; anti-vaccination doctors; Fiona Richardson GREG HUNT: I’m really delighted and honoured to be here today at the Royal Children’s Hospital, undoubtedly one of the world’s great children’s hospitals on so many fronts, but in particular, a leader in paediatric oncology. In that respect, I’m joined by Dr Jordan Hansford,…