$73 million to support the mental health of Australian children

The Turnbull Government will invest $73 million in two new mental health programs to ensure Australian children and young people receive the support they need during their school years. Under the National Support for Child and Youth Mental Health Program, training and resources on mental health issues will be provided to people who regularly interact…

New headspace centre for Bass Coast and South Gippsland region

The Turnbull Government will establish a new headspace in the Bass Coast and South Gippsland region of Victoria, to provide mental health services to young people in the region. Funding of $450,000 to establish the centre and $1 million a year for services will deliver much needed mental health care to local families where they…

Transcript – Doorstop Canberra

E&OE… Topics: Coalition’s commitment to public hospitals and private health insurance, Labor’s plan to scrap the private health insurance rebate. GREG HUNT: I just want to respond to a story in the papers this morning about private health insurance and public hospitals. The story does not reflect Government policy. It will not be Government policy.…

Transcript – ABC Insiders interview with Barrie Cassidy

E&OE… Topics: Coalition’s commitment to fully fund the NDIS, Labor’s refusal to fund the NDIS, Medicare, Cricket Australia, National Sport Plan BARRIE CASSIDY: Minister, good morning. Welcome. GREG HUNT: Good morning, Barry. BARRIE CASSIDY: That issue around fairness, it continually comes back to the question of the company tax cuts and that low and middle-income…

Providing $47 million for suicide prevention work across Australia

The Turnbull Government will provide a $47 million boost to front-line services for suicide prevention and directly address a growing community need. Services will be available right across Australia and will include training for at risk families and support groups, face-to-face support for individuals in need, training for emergency response services and support for communities…

First BTF investment aims to improve lives through innovation

The development of a promising new treatment for peanut allergy in children will be the first project to receive $10 million in funding under the Turnbull Government’s Biomedical Translation Fund (BTF). The Minister for Health, Greg Hunt, and the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Arthur Sinodinos, today announced the first investment commitment under the…

Investing $5.9 million to tackle antimicrobial resistance

The Turnbull Government will invest $5.9 million from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) to help tackle the threat of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses or parasites becoming resistant to standard medical treatments. Resistance results in standard medical treatments such as antibiotics, antivirals or anti-malarials becoming ineffective, allowing infections to persist and possibly spread. Infections…

Transcript – SEN radio interview with Francis Leach

E&OE… Topics: National Sport Plan; sport integrity tribunal; sports lottery; AFL; Essendon; Richmond Tigers FRANCIS LEACH: Greg Hunt is the Federal Minister for Sport, he’s been good enough to join us today. G’day Greg, how are you going? GREG HUNT: I am very well, thank you. FRANCIS LEACH: So where’s this proposal come from? GREG…

Medical research reforms to improve our future health

The Turnbull Government provides more than $800 million through the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) each year to fund life-changing research. Health and medical research is one of the four pillars of the Government’s Long-Term National Health Plan. It saves lives and plays a critical role in improving our health system. I am…