$66 million for coronavirus-related research

The Morrison Government is investing $66 million into finding a vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, as well as better preparing for future pandemics. This research will enable Australia’s world-class researchers to contribute to global efforts to control and eliminate the virus. The funding is available through the Government’s Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), extending the…


Expanded PBS medicines listings to provide new treatment options for over 170,000 asthmatics, and new hope for blood cancer patients

Australians with asthma and multiple myeloma will have broader access to life changing medicines as a result of expanded medicines listings on Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) from 1 June 2020. The listing of Symbicort® (containing budesonide and formoterol) will now be available at PBS prices for adolescent and adult patients with mild asthma. Symbicort will…


Transcript – Press Conference – Canberra

E&OE…                       Topics: $9.5 million in funding for endometriosis research; importance of maintaining general health; COVID-19 update; National Cabinet; industrial relations; face masks; Job Keeper package; extension of the Dental National Partnership Agreement; social distancing regulations; private hospitals viability guarantee; Newscorp publishing changes.   GREG HUNT: Good afternoon and thank you for joining us for…


Funding boost for endometriosis research

The Morrison Government is continuing its strong support for women and girls with endometriosis, investing more than $9.5 million in five innovative research projects.   The projects will lead to improved diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis and a better understanding of its causes. They include creating an evidence base for clinical care, comparing treatment options…
