My Health Record opt-out period extended

The Turnbull Government has today extended the opt-out period for My Health Record by an extra month to 15 November 2018, as was announced last week. This was a key request from the Australian Medical Association and the Royal College of General Practitioners and gives Australians more time to consider their options as we strengthen…


Quicker diagnosis and help for stroke victims

The Turnbull Government is providing $1.5 million to ensure doctors have the latest research and information on treating stroke at their fingertips, giving patients the best chance for survival.   Most clinical guidelines are currently in paper form but this funding will allow Stroke Foundation and Cochrane Australia to provide health professionals with the latest…


Remarks and Doorstop – Alice Springs

E&OE…                       Topics: $2 million for a  national Indigenous eyesight program; Greater focus on Indigenous health outcomes; My Health Record   JONATHAN HERMAWAN:           Good morning. We’re here at Mbantua Alice Springs at the Akeyulerre Healing Centre. We’re here with the ministers, Minister Wyatt and Minister Hunt, and also with (inaudible) and Aunty Amelia Turner. I’m…
