Grass roots response to win ice war

The Turnbull Government is teaming up with key community groups across the country to tackle the scourge of ice at a grass-roots level, with the next 40 Local Drug Action Teams rolling out. This means there are now 80 teams across the country delivering a targeted local response to help tackle drug use and addiction.…

Australia to host region’s key health decision makers

Next month, Australia will host the 68th session of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Regional Committee for the Western Pacific (RCM68). Held annually, RCM68 will be the first time Australia has hosted the event since 1997. More than 300 people from 37 countries and areas are expected to come to Brisbane for this important event,…

Transcript – Melbourne doorstop

E&OE… Topics: Media reports on after-hours care; same sex marriage; Bairnsdale ulcer GREG HUNT: I am deeply concerned by reports today about potential substandard quality and potentially inappropriate Medicare billing claims under the after-hours service. I have instructed the Department of Health’s Medicare integrity division to begin an investigation immediately. I’ve just been informed that…

Delivering $50,000 for public safety barriers at Wallaroo Reserve

Hastings residents will be able to make the most of Wallaroo Reserve without fearing for their safety with the installation of new barriers to inhibit illegal monkey bike activity. Federal Member for Flinders Greg Hunt said the barriers were funded with $50,000 in Commonwealth funding. “This delivers on the Turnbull Government’s election commitment to help…

Transcript – 2GB Drive interview with Ben Fordham

E&OE… Topics: Media reports on after hours care; euthanasia BEN FORDHAM: Minister, good afternoon. GREG HUNT: And good afternoon, Ben. BEN FORDHAM: Why’s there this discrepancy between GPs that we go and see on their own premises and those who come to ours? GREG HUNT: Well there’s a program for after hours consultation at homes,…

More support for people with an eating disorder

The Turnbull Government is providing almost $3 million for more support and better treatment for people suffering from eating disorders. Eating disorders not only affect an individual’s relationship with food, but also body image, confidence, mental health, and overall health. They are among the most debilitating of mental health conditions and the impact on families…

World-leading children’s cancer initiative kicks off

The fight to find a cure for many terrible childhood cancers has been boosted with the start of ground-breaking clinical trials, backed by $20 million from the Turnbull Government. Zero Childhood Cancer is a world-leading initiative, bringing together a national network of hospitals, research centres and clinicians across Australia. The Australia wide clinical trial will…

Transcript – Press Conference Sydney

E&OE… Topics: Launch of Zero Childhood Cancer Initiative, mental health GREG HUNT: Thanks very much to Michael. What an amazing institution we have here and what an incredible group of people. To Brad Hazzard, my state colleague, on which there couldn’t be a stronger unity of purpose, not just between us and New South Wales,…