Report card shows continued progress in improving reef water quality

The Great Barrier Reef Report Card 2014 released today shows landholders are continuing to help protect the Great Barrier Reef by reducing pollutant loads entering the reef, but accelerated change is needed to achieve the targets. Federal Minister for the Environment Greg Hunt and Queensland Minister for the Great Barrier Reef Steven Miles released the…

Documentary reveals one of Victoria’s best kept secrets

Until now, only a lucky few have been able to experience first-hand the stunning array of diverse and brilliantly coloured marine life which lies beneath Port Phillip Bay. Today, I am delighted to officially launch an illuminating documentary, Melbourne Down Under, a documentary which reveals a southern underwater world which rivals its counterparts to the…

Round two Nest to Ocean grants giving turtles a fighting chance

Queensland’s turtle population are being given a helping hand against predators with four organisations sharing $2.1 million under round two of the Nest to Ocean program. The funding is part of a $7 million joint Australian and Queensland Government investment over four years to reduce the threat to turtle nests from feral pigs, foxes and…

ABC RN breakfastinterview with Fran Kelly

E&OE…. Topics: water reform, Prime Minister Turnbull, Environment Portfolio, Direct Action, renewable energy, climate change FRAN KELLY: Minister good morning. Thanks for joining us again. GREG HUNT: And good morning Fran. FRAN KELLY: How do you make sure that this move won't see the rivers sacrificed to the needs and wants of the farmers and…

Celebrating 30 years of ozone action

The International Day for Protection of the Ozone Layer is a timely reminder of what can be achieved when industry, governments and communities work together for the common good. On this day 30 years ago the Vienna Convention – the parent convention of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer – was…

Coalition delivers election commitment with 1500GL water buyback cap

The Government and Australia has moved closer to achieving the long-term sustainability of agriculture and the environment – which is at the heart of the Murray Darling Basin Plan. The Government has delivered on a key commitment with the Water Amendment Bill 2015 passing through the Senate today. The Murray Darling Basin is the food…

Funding available for local Men’s Sheds

Boys love their toys and men are no different – Men’s Sheds are always looking for new tools and equipment to add to their collections. Round 11 of the National Shed Development Program is now open until September 18 for grants of up to $8,000. These organisations play an important role in our community, keeping…

Successful newspaper and magazine recycling scheme extended

The Australian Government is delighted to announce the extension of the long standing industry-led product stewardship scheme for the recycling of newspaper and magazines. The National Environmental Sustainability Agreement for Newspapers and Magazines will be extended for another five years to 2020. The agreement is one of Australia’s most successful product stewardship recycling schemes. Product…

Resignation of Mr Bernie Fraser

I thank Mr Bernie Fraser for his work with the Climate Change Authority. He has had an outstanding career in public service, which I deeply respect and acknowledge. In particular, I thank Mr Fraser for his assistance with the crossbench in the passage of the Emissions Reduction Fund. (ENDS)

Threatened Species Day

As we mark Threatened Species Day today, the Australian Government is continuing to take significant action to protect our nation’s rare and remarkable fauna and flora. The Coalition has made the protection of threatened species a major environmental priority. Since coming into government, we have taken major steps to protect our threatened species, including: –…