Australia and India to continue shared strategic research

Australian researchers have more opportunities to work with their colleagues in one of the world’s fastest growing economies through the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF), with applications for collaborative research projects opening today. The AISRF helps Australian researchers from public and private sectors to work with Indian scientists in leading-edge scientific research projects and workshops,…

Sky News interview with Patricia Karvelas

E&OE… Topics: Same-sex marriage plebiscite, Ausgrid, superannuation, innovation portfolio, 45th Parliament PATRICIA KARVELAS: Greg Hunt, welcome to the program. GREG HUNT: Pleasure. PATRICIA KARVELAS: Why did the Prime Minister raise expectations that the same-sex marriage plebiscite would happen this year? GREG HUNT: Look, his goal and our goal has always been to do this as…

Bridge to MassChallenge competition opens for Australia’s strongest start-ups

Bridge to MassChallenge, one of the world’s most successful start-up global accelerator programmes, will start taking applications from Australian start-ups today. The first ever Australian Bridge to MassChallenge three-day bootcamps will help leading local start-ups accelerate their growth, build their business and bring income and jobs to the local economy. The free competition will bring…

$8 million to support women in STEM and Entrepreneurship

The Turnbull Government is providing $8 million to support women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), and Entrepreneurship. Applications are now open for grants of up to $250,000 to support outreach projects aimed at girls and women to foster interest in STEM and entrepreneurship, to develop innovation and entrepreneurial skills, and to build professional…

891 ABC Adelaide – Interview with Ian Henschke

E&OE… Topics: $49 million loan to Arrium, energy prices, Labor’s plan to bring back an electricity tax IAN HENSCHKE: Greg Hunt is with us now and, of course, he's the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science. So, Greg Hunt, can you innovate us out of this one. GREG HUNT: Look, sorry, I missed the lead…

Address to the AFR National Innovation Summit

Doltone House, Sydney ** Check against delivery ** Introduction Thank you Joanne [Joanne Gray, Editor, BOSS, AFR] for that introduction. Michael Stutchbury, Editor-in-Chief, The Australian Financial Review; my fellow keynote speakers; distinguished guests; ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great pleasure to address the inaugural AFR Innovation Summit. Let me start with a simple proposition –…

Turnbull Government helping 74 Australian businesses tap into global expertise with $7,000 grants

Seventy-four Australian small and medium businesses and researchers will receive $7,000 in priming grants from the Turnbull Government to develop innovative products and services for Australian and international markets The grants have been awarded under the Government’s $4.9 million Global Connection Fund, which supports Australian businesses and researchers to work with their international counterparts on…

Turnbull Government to provide grants of up to $3 million for businesses to collaborate with scientists and researchers

The Turnbull Government has today announced the opening of a new funding round under the Cooperative Research Centres Programme. Collaborations between industry and researchers can now apply for up to $3 million over three years to develop products, services or processes that will solve problems for Australian industries. The grants are being offered through the…

Turnbull Government linking small and medium businesses with scientists and researchers to help drive innovation

The Turnbull Government today announced the new STEM⁺ Business Fellowship program which is providing $7.9 million to support links between businesses and researchers to increase productivity and develop new products. The STEM⁺ Business Fellowship program provides grants of up to $105,000 per annum to help small and medium businesses undertake two to three year projects…

$11.3 million to commercialise Australians’ smart ideas

The Turnbull Government today announced that twenty businesses across Australia will be offered $11.3 million in Entrepreneurs’ Programme grants to help them break into new and international markets. A 3-D printed jaw joint replacement, termite-proof building materials and a safer way to store grain outdoors are amongst the diverse products and services that will be…