Queen Victoria Market to be assessed for National Heritage List

The Australian Government is pleased to announce that Melbourne’s Queen Victoria Market will be assessed by the Australian Heritage Council for possible inclusion on the National Heritage List. “As a proud Victorian I am delighted to visit the Queen Victoria Market today and announce that his historic site will be included on the Australian Heritage…

Local Sporting Champions grants help young athletes reach their goals

Young athletes are urged to apply for grants of $500 to help with the costs of competing in state and national events. The Local Sporting Champions grants program is an Australian Government initiative designed to support young people participating in state, national and international sporting championships as an athlete, coach or official. The grants contribute…

Celebrating World Environment Day with 100,000 trees for 100,000 kids

JOINT MEDIA RELEASE WITH HON MALCOLM TURNBULL MP, FEDERAL MEMBER FOR WENTWORTH, MINISTER FOR COMMUNICATIONS As part of World Environment Day celebrations, the Australian Government is proud to throw its support behind a community-based campaign to have all two million primary school children in Australia plant a tree by 2020. The ‘One Tree Per Child’…

2015 Environment Minister’s Award for a Cleaner Environment

I am delighted to mark World Environment Day 2015 with a call for nominations for this year’s Environment Minister’s Award for a Cleaner Environment. This award aims to recognise outstanding contributions by Australians towards achieving a cleaner, healthier environment and a more resilient and sustainable Australia. The Australian Government’s plan for a Cleaner Environment plan…

Landcare grants start to flow across the Wimmera

JOINT MEDIA RELEASE WITH HON BARNABY JOYCE MP, MINISTER FOR AGRICULTURE, MR DAN TEHAN MP, FEDERAL MEMBER FOR WANNON & MR ANDREW BROAD MP, FEDERAL MEMBER FOR MALLEE The community is seeing results from the Australian Government’s commitment to protect the Wimmera’s natural environment and farming land with the announcement that over $100,000 in National…

Murray Islands to be assessed for National Heritage Listing

JOINT MEDIA RELEASE WITH HON NIGEL SCULLION MP, MINISTER FOR INDIGENOUS AFFAIRS The Australia Government today announced the Murray Island Group – the birthplace of Native Title – will be assessed by the Australian Heritage Council for its possible inclusion on the National Heritage List “I am pleased that the place that led to the…

Providing funding to strengthen our local communities

Communities in the Flinders electorate will benefit from a significant boost in funding announced in the 2015 Budget. The Government’s new Stronger Communities Program will provide $45 million over two years to fund small capital projects. In my electorate of Flinders, we will receive funding of $150,000 per year over two years to support projects…

$9 million to protect Australia’s national heritage

Some of the most significant sites on Australia's National Heritage List will share in almost $9 million funding to protect and maintain their historic values. I am proud to announce that 18 successful applicants will benefit from grants of up to $1 million through the Australian Government's Protecting National Historic Sites Programme. This will allow…