Transcript – 5AA interview with Leon Byner

E&OE…                       Topics: Border restrictions in Australia; Cross border travel exemptions; Oxford vaccine; UQ vaccine   LEON BYNER: Let’s talk to our Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt. Greg, thanks for coming on this morning.   GREG HUNT: Good morning, Leon.   LEON BYNER: Over recent months, there’s been a real focus on mental health making…


Transcript – Doorstop – Melbourne

E&OE…                       Topics: World Suicide Prevention Day and R U OK? Day; Mental Health support funding; vaccine update; Victoria’s restrictions   GREG HUNT: Good afternoon everybody. Today is a day of hope and support for not just Victorians but for all Australians. Six out of eight states and territories have had zero cases today. In…


Transcript – ABC Radio Melbourne Interview with Rafael Epstein

E&OE…                       Topics: COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine; Victorian response to COVID-19; contact tracing; aged care response to COVID-19;   RAFAEL EPSTEIN: Greg Hunt is the Federal Health Minister and he joins us on the line. Good afternoon.   GREG HUNT: Good afternoon, Raf.   RAFAEL EPSTEIN: The pause in one of the big vaccine trials, is…


Transcript – Doorstop – Canberra

E&OE… Topics: $563.4m aged care support announcement; Coronavirus update; One worker one site in Victoria; University of Queensland research; Medicare levy; Data on aged care workers; Aged care commission facility visits; State borders; Victorian pathway out; Senate committee; 41 deaths in Victoria; Craig Kelly comments on Hydroxychloroquine; Treasurer’s comments on Victorian outbreak; Has Senator Colbeck…


Transcript – 2GB interview with Ben Fordham

E&OE…                       Topics: Oxford University’s coronavirus vaccine.   BEN FORDHAM: We’ve got some promising news on the vaccine front. Joining us live on the line, the Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt. Good morning to you.   GREG HUNT: Good morning, Ben.   BEN FORDHAM: You’ve signed a deal on a coronavirus vaccine.   GREG HUNT:…
