Transcript – 2GB interview with Ray Hadley

E&OE…                       Topics: COVID-19 response in Victoria; Royal Commission into aged care; COVID-19 vaccine.   RAY HADLEY: I haven’t had yarn to Greg Hunt, the Federal Health Minister, for quite some time but he’s on the line right now. Minister, good morning.   GREG HUNT: Good morning Ray.   RAY HADLEY: In recent discussions with…


Transcript – Virtual Press Conference – Canberra

E&OE…                       Topics: Mental health assistance from Government; COVID-19 vaccine; health care in Victoria; Aged care sector assessments; State border closures; International travel.   GREG HUNT:          Thank you everybody for joining us today for the Australian Government’s briefing.   I’m joined by Christine Morgan, the Head of the National Mental Health Commission.   We know…


Transcript – Doorstop – Canberra

E&OE…                       Topics: COVID-19 vaccine trials; aged care outbreaks; NDIS.   GREG HUNT:   I want to give the Australian Government’s update on COVID-19 and the national actions to help prevent the spread and to contain the disease.   In particular today, I want to note that at a time when the world has reached…


Transcript – Sky News interview with Kieran Gilbert

E&OE…                       Topics: COVID-19 vaccine; Inquiry into the Ruby Princess outbreak; Aged care Royal Commission; REFF in Victoria; State border closures; Rise in immunisation rates.   KIERAN GILBERT: Let’s go live now to the Health Minister Greg Hunt who joins us via Zoom. He’s still in quarantine ahead of Parliament sitting. Minister, thank you very…


Transcript – Doorstop – Melbourne

E&OE…                       Topics: New mental health support package; Aged care patients and workers in Australia; National database agreement; St Basils reopening; Mystery cases in Vic; Vic MPs returning to Parliament.   GREG HUNT: Thank you very much to everybody for joining us today.   This is a day when so many Victorians will be feeling…


Transcript – 2GB interview with Ben Fordham

E&OE…                       Topics: Victorian outbreak; Victorian aged care outbreak; AUSMAT, QLD border closure to Sydney; Queensland teenagers.   BEN FORDHAM: The Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt is on the line. Good morning to you, Minister.   GREG HUNT: Good morning, Ben.   BEN FORDHAM: Has Victoria lost control?   GREG HUNT: Look, it is a…


Transcript – Doorstop – Melbourne

E&OE…                       Topics: COVID-19 update; Aged Care response in Victoria; AUSMAT teams; Aged Care Royal Commission   GREG HUNT: Welcome everybody.   And I am joined today here at the site of the Victorian Aged Care Response Centre, a joint partnership with Victoria, by Joe Buffone, who is the Emergency Management Australia Response head and…
