Interview with Leon Byner – 5AA Mornings

E&OE…                       Topics: Medicare bulk billing rate hits historic 86.1 per cent; public hospitals harvesting private patients   LEON BYNER: Let’s welcome Greg Hunt, the federal Health Minister. Greg, thanks for coming on today.   GREG HUNT: Good morning, Leon.   LEON BYNER: So you’ve got an interesting thing where the data looks very good,…


Doorstop – Canberra

E&OE…                       Topics: $18 million for medical research projects to improve women’s health; endometriosis; My Health Record; Emma Husar; tampon tax; euthanasia; NEG   GREG HUNT: Today’s a very important day for women’s health. This is about ensuring that every woman and every girl in Australia has access to even better care than they already…


Remarks and Doorstop – Alice Springs

E&OE…                       Topics: $2 million for a  national Indigenous eyesight program; Greater focus on Indigenous health outcomes; My Health Record   JONATHAN HERMAWAN:           Good morning. We’re here at Mbantua Alice Springs at the Akeyulerre Healing Centre. We’re here with the ministers, Minister Wyatt and Minister Hunt, and also with (inaudible) and Aunty Amelia Turner. I’m…


Doorstop – Alice Springs Health COAG

E&OE…                       Topics: Greater focus on Indigenous health outcomes; Unanimous COAG endorsement for the My Health Record opt-out process   NATASHA FYLES: All Territorians, all Australians deserve access to high quality health services and it has been monumental over the past two days in Alice Springs to have every health minister from around the states…


Doorstop – Alice Springs

E&OE…                       Topics: $23.2 million for new Indigenous-focused health and medical research projects; strengthening Labor’s 2012 My Health Record legislation   GREG HUNT:           It’s a real honour to be here at Purple House with Ken Wyatt, Indigenous Health Minister, but of course the first Indigenous Minister in the history of the Commonwealth of Australia. To…


Interview with Leon Byner – 5AA Mornings

&OE…                       Topics: Strengthening Labor’s 2012 My Health Record legislation   LEON BYNER:         Greg Hunt, thanks for joining us. We understand that you have reached an agreement with the AMA and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners about the business of privacy and My Health Record. Minister, why couldn’t we have got this right…


Interview with Edwina Bartholomew – Channel 7 Sunrise

E&OE…                       Topics: Strengthening Labor’s 2012 My Health Record legislation   EDWINA BARTHOLOMEW:         Now, the Federal Government will tighten privacy rules around the controversial My Health Record system. Live now to Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt in Melbourne. Good morning to you Minister and thank you for your time. What changes exactly are you going…


Interview with Kieran Gilbert – Sky News Live First Edition

E&OE…                       Topics: Strengthening Labor’s 2012 My Health Record legislation   KIERAN GILBERT: Amid the privacy concerns on another story that we’ve been running this morning on the My Health system, the Health Minister has announced changes overnight. Let’s go live to Melbourne Airport, we’ve got him briefly now with us.   Greg Hunt, thanks…


Interview with Kim Landers – ABC Radio AM

E&OE…                       Topics: Strengthening Labor’s 2012 My Health Record legislation   KIM LANDERS: After weeks of confusion and a public outcry, the Federal Government has bowed to pressure to address privacy worries about the My Health Record. That’s the digital health record that’ll be set up automatically for everyone unless you opt out. It follows…
