Transcript, Doorstop, Gold Coast

E&OE…. Topics: National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme reform, Great Barrier Reef, housing affordability, marriage equality. STEVEN CIOBO: Well thanks very much for coming out this arvo. I’m very pleased to welcome the Federal Minister for the Environment, Greg Hunt, here. We’re here, together with many representatives and families and clients of the Endeavour Foundation…


Transcript, Channel 10 The Project, Interview with Carrie Bickmore, Waleed Aly, Peter Helliar and Steve Price

E&OE…. Topics: Great Barrier Reef CARRIE BICKMORE: Well Greg Hunt is the Environment Minister and he joins us now. Welcome. GREG HUNT: Thank you very much and congratulations on the Logie… CARRIE BICKMORE: Oh thank you. GREG HUNT: And much more importantly, congratulations on Evie. CARRIE BICKMORE: Oh thanks so much. Alright, let's get to…


Transcript, Doorstop, Bondi NSW

E&OE…. Topics: One Tree Per Child campaign, Australia’s emissions reduction targets, Olive Vale clearing GREG HUNT: I’m delighted that we’ve been able to launch the One Tree Per Child campaign with an initial Commonwealth contribution today. We want councils, we want communities, we want young people, we want Australian’s right around the country to be…
